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What is globalization? How business is done globally or what things are necessary to do business globally? Globalization impacts on businesses?

The connection between people from the different places of the world is increasing day by day, in order to increase businesses of various country’s which are connected globally. This phenomenon is known as Globalization.
Globalization is also needed as a basic information for businessmen’s, managers, investors and other employees to examine the impact of international activities on their businesses or companies in coming years.

Important Points of Globalization
To shape globalization the following things are also necessary:
Technology, Culture, Economic, Political factors, skills Expertise and Exchange rate.

It is the necessary part for globalization because technology decides how fast your
Country is progressing It consists of Education level, Infrastructure, Knowledge transfer.

It is also very necessary for globalization because every country’s culture define its value and to emphasize this country can increase its connection globally it includes individualism vs Collectivism, uncertainty avoidance, Short vs Long horizon, Power distance.

Economic stability of any country will helps to improve financial strength of any country
Which impact the global relationship and will help to Increase business in other country it Involves Economic system, Obtaining capital, industrial organization, Exchange rate fluctuation.

Political factor=
Politics plays vital role in globalization. Relationship with various countries can better
Be improved politically. It may involves Businesses, Transfer Risk, Control Risk, reporting Tax laws, Policies.

Skills Expertise=
No doubt all the above points are necessary but skill expertise is also important for
Globalization. Because if company has more skillful employees they will help to produce efficient products and services with best quality which will help to increase exports and make better global relations. It involves software and hardware knowledge plus practical experience of various machines used for producing various goods,
Software involves Accounting, operating, marketing, data managing and many other software’s of the company.

Exchange Rate=
Every country has its own currency for doing transactions in the country so when any
Business tries to expand its products and services with other country’s they must have

Knowledge about that country’s currency rate to which the business is going to do transactions so exchange rate is also important. By knowing about exchange rate movements and about different techniques used for preventing exchange rate losses many businesses and companies can prevent losses they may face in relation to the exchange rate. 


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