The Most Successful person in the world is the one who value every second of their life That is why it is called Time is money. If you study history of the successful and rich people they all have one common and important habit which is time management. In time management you have to save time and utilize it in the right way in order to achieve your goals and this is the only thing which satisfy you and gives you the best return in the future. The Following tips will help you save and manage your time in order to increase your focus for achieving your most desired goals. Create a to do List. List all those tasks which you have to do and do it accordingly. Use Sticky Notes. Use sticky notes for important tasks which are urgent. Prioritize your tasks. Choose the most important tasks and set the priority tasks on the top of your list. Wake up Early in the morning. Waking up early have a big advantage as you can work in full peaceful environment with fresh mind....
ilmipedia is hub for short courses, articles and general knowledge. Education is the power which can change the world by changing the mindset of the people and help to earn money as well to decrease poverty. Learning and earning is possible if you have education, skills and some experience this is only possible when there is a platform for short courses, articles and general knowledge which teach some skills and experience.